To the Editor of Vogue,

From the very first sentence to the last, your article, “Of Course Rihanna Had the Coolest Protest Look at the Women’s March,”  flabbergasted me. So many times did I stop reading just to check that I hadn’t accidentally stumbled upon an Onion article.

As a large publication with a worldwide reach - Vogue, you should be ashamed. In one stroke of the pen, you demeaned the entire point of the Women’s March: We demand respect. This article managed to undermine the movement fighting for equal rights for all genders, races, and creeds by choosing to discuss what type of shoes Rihanna was wearing and whether it was a good choice for her to make considering the walk.

When reporting on such an important historical event such as the Women’s March, the words you use are important. Here, you are telling your readers they aren’t worth the effort of reporting on the events of the day, or the meaning of the march. This article is a reminder that we’re not out of the woods yet, and we have a great deal of work to do before women can be taken seriously. One day, we can only hope, that the words Sheryl Sandberg says will be more important than her shoes; Carrie Fisher’s fight for pay equity will be more important than whether or not she had botox done; and Rihanna can be celebrated as a feminist badass who fights for her community rather than being reduced to Dior t-shirt-wearer.

Thank you, Vogue, for reducing my worth as a woman to the clothes I wear. Thank you for reminding me what I am fighting for and against. Thank you for demeaning Rihanna to a lifeless model instead of celebrating her courage in standing up for our collective rights and supporting her community.

As an FYI, on Saturday, January 21st 2017, the day of the worldwide Women’s March, the largest demonstration in the history of the United States, I wore Target jeans, boots, a cotton purple sweatshirt, and a great big middle finger in the air to whomever may judge me solely on my appearance instead of my value as an individual.

In this climate of political and social upheaval, I ask that your articles be more understanding and in tune with your demographic.

Sincerely disappointed,

Candice Riley
Fem Dems of Sacramento Board Member