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Today’s political environment presents an uncharted territory for the future of America. Visceral narratives have flooded the media for months, particularly ones that the threaten the liberties and freedoms of those who are most vulnerable in society. 

From grabbing women by their “pussies” without consent, to presidential cabinet members that reject the fundamental rights of women and the LGBT community, to a virtual complete lack of understanding for the unique circumstances people of color face in America’s criminal justice and penal systems -- it is clear the path ahead is an uncertain one.

But it is not a hopeless one.

It is important now, more than ever, that California’s Democratic Party continue its fight to stand up for those who need it most. Through true representation, we can create leadership that reflects the values and perspectives of California’s increasingly diverse electorate, and pushes for real change.

The Fem Dems of Sacramento have advanced these values for women in our fight for pay equity, reproductive rights and social liberties. It is our charge that one day, without fail, we will have political, economic and social equity for all. 

Until then, we will continue to be a voice for the disenfranchised.

As a part of this growing effort, The Fem Dems encourage our members to consider declaring themselves as candidates for Assembly Democratic Party (ADEM) Delegates by applying to run here. 

So, what even is ADEM? You may ask.

ADEM delegates are elected by voters in each assembly district (7 men and 7 women) to vote on behalf of the communities they represent at Regional Meetings and the California Democratic Convention. Essentially, through this tool, delegates have the ability to vet and support candidates that reflect the growing and diverse electorate of California, and to help to mold the Democratic Party into one that truly connects to the people.  Elections will be held on Saturday, January 7 or Sunday January 8, 2017, depending on the Assembly District.  Click here to find out your ADEM election date and location.

Hurry! The deadline to apply is TOMORROW, DECEMBER 8, 2016. 

CALL TO ACTION: If you have submitted an application to run in your Assembly District, reach out to us at